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8 Q&A with @Wtf.isfashion

How to: from a self made fashion instagrammer.

Who are you?

I consider myself a creative woman who is very passionate about fashion.

What is the end goal for your instagram page?

The goal with wtf is fashion since the beginning has been to help women to dress themselves and to empower them with clothing. I want to change the idea that fashion is frivolous and the women who wear it are vain. Clothing is actually a very important tool we have to express ourselves and to communicate without speaking. I'd love to show women how to use this powerful tool to achieve their goals, and to be truly authentic with their personal style.

I want to reach a huge number of women all over México and LATAM, specifically.

Why did you start this instagram page?

I had always wanted to have a fashion blog of my own, my life literally spins around fashion. I actually have studied every fashion-related topic you can imagine, design, marketing, communication, photography, psychology, image consulting. Also I spend almost all of my free time reading fashion books and magazines. Everything I watch on TV are fashion documentaries, and fashion-culture related movies, so I thought I really had something to contribute to everyone interested in knowing more about it.

How did you decide what content to post and did you have another idea that changed?

Principally this blog was purely inspiration, then people started asking questions like what should I wear? Or, how do I make myself look more serious for an interview?. I decided to change the concept to a more educational content (speaking fashion-education of course), and tips that would actually help women empower themselves and feel good about their bodies.

I think there are tons of things to talk about. I actually decide what to post first due to its relevance or if someone comes with some kind of fashion problem, I try to solve those things first.

Because it is a fashion advice instagram, do you feel responsibility when you share the information you post?

Totally. When I was younger I remember reading a fashion blog from some girl that said that yellow was not a color for blonde girls. At that time I loved wearing yellow clothes and after that I spent years thinking that yellow looked awful on me because this girl said so. It was until some time ago that I decided to study styling and image, and when I was analyzing myself on what colors suited me best, I saw that yellow was a color on the palette.

I mean Fashion never killed nobody but I think I can totally affect someone's way of dressing by saying something that is not fully correct.

How did you go big and when was this turning point?

I don't think I have arrived to a point where I can say I'm a big. @Wtf.isfashion is growing constantly with new audiences and I find it very exciting, but I think this is the beginning of something big that will eventually arrive. What I like the most is that while the page is growing, I am growing with it, personally and professionally.

What would you tell yourself now that you didn't know when you started?

Be consistent and persistent, If you don´t firmly believe in your project, who will?

How does the fashion industry influence current events around the world?

I think it works the other way around, the world is constantly changing, and every industry within. Fashion trends are influenced directly by current events or by every day happenings, same as the architecture, art, interior design, and many other industries.

Relevant events such as COVID-19, the release of Avatar, the launching of a spaceship, people concerned about global warming, women around the world empowering themselves or even a global star having a mental breakdown, influences the way we dress.

Thats a Wrap!

Thank you to Valeria Elizondo, founder of fashion. Because of people like her, us fashion seekers get led in the right direction. It is a delight to have such a powerful woman featured on MeetStellaX. Like this, we slowly build a strong community.

Love your body, and dress it like you want.

Xoxo, Stella.

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Jun 19, 2020

Wow ame!!😍

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